Every thing she wised you knew .A Guide for Newbie’s

Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 01:01 PM | 4 views

Hello, I'm Daisy. This is not a required read to make an appointment with me but is for your entertainment and information purposes only. However taking special note of the DO’s and DON”T’s located at the end of this post will ensure your success when attempting to make an appointment with me or any ASP. For those new to seeing providers it may help you understand why we do things the way we do and what you should do to have a successful, worry free adventure, If you are new to seeing escorts, providers, companions, then I highly recommend that you read this for to ensure your safety and understanding in your new endeavor. Don't let fear of the unknown keep you from enjoying something you have a need or interest in. In any endevor everything is always more enjoyable when everyone know the rules and abide by them...unless you are a self distructive person that needs to live on the edge and take risks. In that case this article is not for you. Anyone including scammers and LE are free to post on these sites as well. You need to know how to screen a provider and do your homework before responding to a post if you want everything to run smoothly and and avoid breaking the law and ending up in jail or being scamed. When I first became a companion I was very naïve and thought some of the requirements that were recommended in screening a man were invasive. I thought that some of the practices of providers were rude such as not accepting calls from unlisted numbers. I learned the hard way why things are done the way they are. There are a lot of people on the internet that have nothing better to do with their time but try to cause problems for others not to mention stings intent on entrapment. If you understand why we have the need to do things the way we do and abide by the rules there is less chance you will be mistaken as one of those pitiful people. BRIEF HISTORY AND WHY I BECAME A COMPANION I was raised in Southern California and moved near Austin Texas when I was 17. I moved to the prairie in far eastern Colorado after the death of my husband. For 15yrs I devoted my life to raising my children alone, 130 animals, raising organic vegetables and had a daycare center. Those years of hard work kept me in very good shape and but didn’t give me much time for anything else. I lived my life taking care of others with little concern for my needs or desires. I lived very much in a women’s world through my involvement with the ladies Methodist as well as Bible study and various activities with the local nondenominational church. I am and have always been nondenominational believing that a man’s personal walk with the Lord to be more important than what religion he aspires to. I am not judgmental. Every step a man takes in his life; good or bad; is a part of his own personal walk and a part of the plan the Lord has for him. I know I am not wiser than the Lord and can not judge what is best for the final outcome in the life of another. I moved to the mountains near Fort Collins 2yrs ago and was eager to give dating a try. However I learned very quickly that my life on the prairie had not prepared me for the dating game. I didn’t know how to play games and was very trusting. I couldn’t tell when someone was not being straight with me (being a companion has helped me to over come this defect). I had not had much experience with men and just wanted to date to discover what I wanted in a man and to not feel lonely. I was not interested in a relationship but it seemed that everyone I dated was, and couldn’t accept that I simply was not available. I spent my whole life taking care of others and now needed it to be about me. I am also not a jealous or controlling personality. I never understood why people confuse being in love and taking care of ones physical needs as the same thing. How is putting restrictions on someone’s happiness and preventing them from experiencing or growing in any area a sign of love? For me love would be respecting a persons need to explore and feel confidant in what truly makes him or her happy. If I were looking for a relationship I would want it to be with someone that respected me enough to make my own choices in life and who was concerned with my happiness as much as I would be his. I would want a mate not someone to tell me how to lead my life or be dependent on me to tell him how to lead his. I have spent most of my life alone being the watcher the one on the outside looking in and have taken note on what works and what doesn’t. People are individuals and there are no set of rules that could possibly work for everyone. Some people need to feel controlled or have a need to be controlling. When these two types find each other it works perfect for them. However, I am neither and I guess you can see why traditional dating was a flop for me. Then I heard about a way that men and women could just enjoy one another’s company without expectations, drama or the complications of dating and where boundaries were respected and even desired. Where men and women could be open with their desires and fully enjoy what each has to offer and their time together. Also attractive was that men would valued my companionship enough to leave donations so I could leave my time open to being available when they wanted to see me. It is everything I wanted traditional dating to be and I a have never been happier. HOBBIES AND INTEREST I would have to say men are my both my favorite hobby and interest. Organic gardening was my main passion most of my adult life but have little time for it now my new interest being so time consuming. I love to dance and am very good at it. I also enjoy yoga, hiking, camping, fishing, whitewater rafting, spending family time with my 2 very wonderful, successful sons, and going for doggie walks with my amazing old dog as well as concerts, the occasional girls nights out and fine dinning. I have interests that I would like to pursue but haven’t had the chance to get around to yet. I would like to learn to ski and/or snowboard. I would also be interested in taking classes for scuba and sky diving. My biggest interest is a romantic man. If you are a romantic I can promise you it will not be lost on me. I totally melt at a man’s romantic gestures. I just have no way to express how much I love and appreciate a romantic man. EDUCATION I have some college but no degrees. I do consider myself very well educated. Being an intelligent woman and having lived the life I have should be enough education for anyone. If you appreciate that what we learn from books is not enough and that living a full life with a desire to forever better oneself is the best education of all then my lack of degrees should not be an issue if you enjoy a well educated women. MY LIFE AS A COMPANION I didn’t become a companion with the predisposition of thinking I knew all about men and how to please them. I knew I was naive but had an eagerness to learn. That eagerness made me a quick study and I rejoice in the pleasure I have learned to give. I am also delighted to have discovered in myself a deep hair trigger passion that I was totally unaware of. I am still learning and making discoveries that make this all very exciting for me. I find men interesting and enjoy their company more that I every thought possible. All my life I have heard women complain about men with comments like “men are all the same” or “that’s just like a man”, however I am not finding this to be the case at all. I love the individuality and diversity I’m finding in men and have discovered the personalities of men overall to be more understanding, patient, and generous than that of women. I can’t see a woman putting up with mood swings, bitching, nagging or a mate that would withdraw affection or deny them sex know I wouldn’t. I can honestly say I absolutely adore men and the more I learn about them the more I love them and don’t mind showing it. If it has been awhile since you have felt loved or appreciated then maybe you need to come and see me. If you have ever eyed that hot lady at your son’s soccer game, in church or at the shopping mall but didn’t dare make a move on her then here is your chance. I am making myself available to you and welcome your approach. I just need you to know how to make that approach so you don’t fall on your face and put me in an awkward position. I am not everyone’s personal cup of tea and don’t try to be. I am who I am and only interested in men that appreciates that in a woman. If you want a woman to put on an act for you I’m not the one to call. DISLIKES As a provider I only offer GFE (girlfriend experience) and like to keep it real so I am a little particular of whom I see. I am only interested in men who want to feel a personal connection with a woman. I don’t see how you could get the most enjoyment possible from me unless you are someone I would enjoy being with. But don’t worry, I like variety and the only men I am totally uninterested in seeing are those that have personalities that are pushy, disrespectful, impatient or negative (thank goodness they are a rare minority). Age is not as important to me as maturity and mental outlook. I am also not interested in seeing anyone that are heavy drinkers or do hard drugs. I don’t feel marijuana to be a hard drug but insist that you do not bring it to an appointment and prefer you not to be under its influence. I feel we need to have some common ground and chemistry for this to be the best experience for both of us. I love to kiss and am very affectionate but I'm not into fetishes, pain, bondage or roll playing (other than being your long lost love). If your only interest in seeing a provider is sex there are plenty that offer 15 or 30 minute appointment that may be more willing to accommodate you. There is no reason to waste my time or yours if your needs are so basic not to mention the extra cost factor of hiring a GFE companion. In the event that I would like to become intimate with you and you feel the same I will not see anyone that would jump out of an airplane without a parachute with a complete stranger and am a firm believer in protective gear. Don’t call me if you are not as concerned with your safety as I am of mine. This is not negotiable. RECOMENDED DONATION I am a low volume provider and have a limited number of dates I will accept in any given week. I try to keep my recommended donation rates reasonable but in order to avoid being bombarded with calls and having to turn deserving men away I sometimes feel the need to go up on my rates. The recommended donation for the first visit is always $50 more than your second visit due to the extra time consumed with screening. Once we have spent some time together the donations can become very individual. There is still that part of me that can be more interested in a man than his money. I don’t haggle about rates. If you choose to leave less than the recommended donation I will still send you on your way with a smile but am not likely to see you again. As with any form of dating first impressions are important and a man that would give a women less than anticipated in any area sets a bad precedence of what could be expected of him in future encounters. You should also be aware that I, like most companions, belong to national 'bad date' sites where we share any disappointments we have with a gentleman so others can make an informed decision on whom to spend their time with. Understand that donations are necessary for us to take the time out of our busy lives to make ourselves available to see you when you want. It is not meant to imply that any acts of a sexual nature is being contracted for or expected unless otherwise stated in her ad. A lady will/should state on her site what her rates are for pay close attention to this. It varies and could be just for a massage, striptease, photo opportunity, companionship, ect. Companionship may mean only a dinner date or being an escort to a social function. A GEF companion (girlfriend experience), implies that she enjoys kissing and getting a little more personal if the chemistry is right but you should never expect anything more than the opportunity to find this out by meeting her. If either party is not feeling the chemistry they should be honest enough to say so and bring an end to the appointment without anyone taking offence or just enjoy their time together in what ever forms it takes. After all the honesty of being open with our desires is still what makes this form of dating so much better for some than traditional dating. Most GFE’s love sex and are as hopeful as you that it will progress in that direction but as with traditional dating that all depends on the chemistry between the two of you, your comfort level and desire. What a GFE does offer is a close girlfriend experience without the drama of traditional dating nor the time consuming cat and mouse games most daters experience along with no expectations of future demands. What she does not offer is sex for hire so don’t even ask or try to get her into a discussion about sex. That is prostitution and could land you both in jail. You could have saved your time and money by just picking up a prostitute on the street. Just be a gentleman and let nature takes it’s course. You should know with in 15 minutes if a lady desires you. It is always advisable to allow the lady to make the first move but there is nothing wrong with making the first move to show your interest, just be respectful if she declines it may mean that you are just moving to fast for her comfort level. PHONE CALLS It may be necessary to keep a ladies contact number in your phone if you are in the process of setting up a date or she is someone you would like to see again. It is always a good idea to give her a nickname like Dave that would not attract attention should the wrong person get curious and go through your contacts. A lady will usually state her phone hours in her ad. Calling outside those hours will send a red flag that you are not one to be trusted to respect rules or boundries. Be aware that the hours she quotes in her ad are for her time zone not yours and make the proper adjustments. I don’t pick up for unlisted numbers as 99% of the time these are crank phone calls and just a waste of my time and can be very upsetting. If you don't have a cell phone or want to use your cell phone to call a lady you can always get a prepaid minutes phone to use for your new hobby at very little cost. Most ladies work on a 2 call system to play it safe. If you don't have a cell phone there is no way for this system to work and sends a huge red flag...who is he planning on sending over...is he LE. I have gone through the whole screening process with someone who had reliable references but when it came to scheduling a date he asked for my hotel and room number prior to our date. Needless to say, I refused to see him. There is so much that could go wrong with this I won't even get into it but if you are really curious you can contact me and I will explain it to you. Ladies have rules for good reason. She is just taking every precaution to ensure eveyones safety. NEVER discuss anything that can be answered in my post such as rates or services. Recommended donations and the fact that I am only offering my time as a companion is clearly stated in all my ads that are legit. Anyone can take my information from one of my posts and create a post just to cause me problems. I have no control over the content of these postings so be prepared to tell me which post you are responding to. And NEVER NEVER try to engage in asking about anything that would constitute soliciting for sex or anything else that could in any way be illegal. If you do your homework on a lady before contacting her you should have a very good idea what she enjoys and what the possisibilities are. Be respectful, be considerate the same as you would be when trying to set up a date with any lady you would like to meet. The phone call is your opportunity to win her trust enough that she will want to see you. She will want to get an idea of who you are before agreeing to see her. Be respectful of her time. A sure sign of a crank call is someone who will try to keep her on the phone when she tries to end the conversation and could result in her just hanging up on you and blocking your number or even worse making a report on you as a crank caller. Answer her questions politely but be brief. If she asks you where you are from she doesn’t need your whole life history of how you came to be there. Let her lead the conversation and duration. There are men that will call a lady and try to keep her on the phone as long as possible to aid in their pleasure while masturbating because they can’t afford or don’t want to pay a phone sex service. A companion or escort may ask to call you back if she suspects this or may really just not have the time to talk right at that moment. Just be respectful of red flags she may be looking for and avoid them. I always answer phone calls if I make it to the phone on time I don’t wear my cell on me as I often run around the house nude and find if I try to carry it around the house all the time it gets lost. I also will not put one call on hold to answer another so it may be necessary to leave a message. Be sure to leave a name, phone number and (very important) the best time to call you or if you would prefer that I not call back. I am hesitant to call someone back that does not leave a message or state on their message the best time for me to call back. However if it has been with in 30 minutes I do sometime call back without a message so if you would prefer I not be sure to leave that in your message. I am very respectful of your privacy and would not want to call at a time that could be uncomfortable or embarrassing for either of us. I am also suspecious of men that call repeatly but don't leave a message. These numbers are usually put on 'no ring' and ignored. EMAILS You should be aware that the reply link on backpage at the top of every ad doesn’t always work. I know this for fact because I test these buttons regularly by going attempting to send myself an email using the button and more that half the time the email is not received. This is why I post my email address in my ads and encourage you to copy and paste the email from my ad rather than using the ‘reply link’. Emails are a great way of exchanging information, show your interest and getting to know one another. It is always best to set up a second email address that does not contain your last name or any personal information. Discretion is important to me and should be for you. In your first email you should say where you saw her post, where you would like to meet and the time and day you would like to meet. This shows that you are interested in being more than just a pen pal. It is also nice if you tell a little about yourself but it is very understandable for you not to want to say to much until you are sure the email is being received by the intended recipient. After you get a reply pay attention to questions she may ask about you and respond to those questions. I have noticed that the scammers out there that just want a ladies time and the entertainment of having a pen pale (until she catches on) will avoid answering her questions in the hopes of keeping communication going as long as possible. The same rules apply to email as with phone calls in regard to content NEVER NEVER try to engage in asking about anything that would constitute soliciting for sex or anything else that could in any way be illegal. I think anyone would be surprised to see a ladies email in-box. I encourage email from potential clients as well as clients I have met to keep in touch. I try to answer every email I receive and spend 6 to 10hrs a day on emails alone on some days. I will answer right away the emails that have enough information that would lead me to believe you are a potential client. I flag emails to get back to as time allows that are first contacts and don’t have information that would make me feel confident that he is truly interested and could just be a time waster just looking for a pen-pal. I also flag those for later that break the thread as these take extra time to search my email and read what he wrote me previously so I don’t get one Sally Sue mixed up with another. Understand that I may hear from several men with the same first name on the same day and it can be an awesome time keeping them straight and appreciate all the consideration you can give me. I set address’s to just go directly into my spam folder that continuously breaks threads or I have exchanged more than 3 emails and have still not set an appointment or been screened. These I may or may not get back to. So if you are serious about wanting to meet but don’t get an email response from me with in a day you may want to use the phone to contact me to see if you have been spammed for some reason. It could have been accidental. TEXTING Texting is perfectly acceptable once we have gotten to know one another but is no way to try to say hello or get to know someone. I do not like texting for the simple fact that I have long fingernails and those tiny little buttons are just to hard for me. I never take texts seriously from someone I don’t recognize and it could result in you being blocked from my phone. Never text a woman that states in her ad that she does not accept text unless you want to scream at her “Don’t expect me to be one to accept or respect your boundaries. I am just bored and needing something to do and thought I would just waste your time.” I doubt any woman would want to see you if you screamed that at her know I wouldn’t. AVALIBILITY I am somewhat flexible and sometimes willing to make exceptions but am not a late night person as a general rule. I usually get up around 5am so you can see why I am ready to relax by 8pm. I do sometimes enjoy a late night out but would need to make arrangements for a nap that day. Below is a guideline I prefer to go by. If my schedule does not work for you I will try to work with you. Just try to be reasonable and respectful if you are asking for me to make an exception for you. < Out-calls I am happy to drive to meet a nice gentleman that lives outside of Fort Collins. I hope you can appreciate the extra time and risk factors involved with out-calls. There is a travel fee of $50 regardless of location and for out-calls over 35 miles I would require at least a 2hr appointment and for the gentleman be a member of a screening site such as Preferred411 and have at least 2 provider OKs. I have just heard to many stories of a woman driving long distances for some prankster that gave a bogus address. Gentlemen that join Preferred 411 usualy value their memberships knowing that a serious infraction of the rules such as this would result in their memberships being revoked for life. This gives us ladies a measure of security that would prevent our nerves being off the charts when we arrive. As far as hours go I prefer to not to not leave home until 8a and would want to be safely home by 8p unless we are planning an over night. I am a snugglier by nature and it just would not do to assign me to my own side of the bed. Extended, long distance and out of state visits I have made appointments that have lasted up to 3 days and these are a lot of fun. I have also agreed to fly to another location for special clients. If this is something you may be interested in we can talk about it during a regular appointment. These types of appointments are not ones I would consider doing with someone I have not met. DISCRETION Occasionally I will get a call form someone that claims to be to high profile or famous to be able to give me their real name. I am very big on discretion and all information I collect in the screening process is destroyed once the screening is done. I do save first names (or agreed upon code names) and phone numbers to my phone unless asked not to and this is the only record I keep on the men I see. Should I see you and you request that I not keep any record of you at all I may not be able to provide references for you and it may be necessary for me to screen you again should you want to see me again in a few months. If you are a business owner I think you can appreciate how hard it would be to run a business without any record keeping of you clients at all. I have removable pages in my appointment book and these are destroyed on a daily bases. If you still don’t feel comfortable with my screening you and knowing who you are then you can join a screening site like Preferred 411. They are not an agency and the ladies on their site are for the most part independents and are also screened. I highly recommend Preferred. As a member you will not be required to give your last name, place of employment or references to individual providers and will ensure your anonymity. It also elimanates the need to keep track of your references or take the chance of them retiring. Preferred is based out of Canada and are not governed by the laws of the United States and US law enforcement has no jurisdiction there. Only your first name is displayed on your profile page and you profile page can only be accessed if you give someone your client ID code very discreet system. Another benefit is that they have very good PR people and great customer service and will mediate immediately if you have a problem with a lady. Preferred providers are also screened and they have a strict code of conduct for us ladies and violations can result in us being banned for life. You can rest assured that your experience with a Preferred lady will be up to standard, discreet, and safe. They do not tolerate false advertising so you can rest assured that the info and pictures of the lady you want to see is accurate. Being a member takes the guesswork out of setting a date and replaces apprehension with anticipation for both the companion and client. It is just by far the safest and most discreet way to go and says a lot about a mans intelligence and willingness to play by the rules. SCREENING Screening is done on an individual bases. The most important part of the screening is that first phone conversation. I will not make an appointment with anyone without talking to them first. As I have stated before good chemistry is very important to me. I will try to verify you with as little personal information as possible. If you are a Preferred 411 member all I will need is your membership number provided when you contact me from the site. If you are not a member I will need at least 2 provider references and the phone number you use to contact them. Many providers don't keep any record of you but your phone number and a nickname to remember you by and rest assured that you are not the only Mike or Joe in the world. Your references need to be verified also and I want to be sure I am contacting the right lady so to expidite the screening process I will ask that you send me links to their recent ads and reviews along with the contact info you have on them so I can be sure the infomation matches. You will need to contact them to give them a heads up that you would like for them to give a reference for you. Many ladies are hesitant to give a reference to a lady that just calls them out of the blue. They are more likely to remember you if they talk to you and know the lady that will be calling them is in fact a provider. This also gives them a chance to look up my information if they need that for their comfort level. I will also ask about reviews you have written as this helps verify you as a client even if the lady you reviewed retired. If you don't have references and are not a Preferred member I will need to get more personal. I will ask for your last name and will need to verify employment. There are other ways to verify employment other than calling your place of business but should that be necessary I will take every means possible to be as unobtrusive as possible and will present myself as a business professional, client or what every we agree upon. I also ask more personal information on you I would not ask otherwise. Most of this information I am not writing down or even making a mental note of. I'm just testing you to see how upfrount you are willing to be and trying to judge if I can trust you. Everyone has to be screened one way or another. For me to want to see you without you being screened is the same as you wanting to see a companion having never seen a picture of her or able to read reviews on her. If you can’t understand and appreciate the measures that need to be taken to keep everyone safe you as well as yourself then you are not someone I am going to feel safe with. If you don’t feel you can be forthcoming and upfront with giving the information necessary to be screened there is no reason to call. There are just to many scammers out there on both sides of the fence as well as LE that would rather waste tax payers money entrapping innocent people in the presute of pleasure than running after murders, rapist and drug dealers. If a provider feels you are not being honest or hiding something we will think the worst the interview will come to an end or it will prompt us to ask for more information making the screening process more invasive than need be. REVIEWS Reviews are as much for you as they are to benefit me. For screening purposes they establish you as having experence with another provider. You are not asked any personal information to write a review...not even your first name or where you live...you just make up a handle and password...so your Anonymity is not jeopardized by writing a review. For you they insure a provider is legit. Undercover agents and scam artist also post on these sites so you will rarely see more than one review on a “provider that is not legit” they simply change their name and move on to their next sucker. However I have heard there are wonderful providers that do not allow reviews. I have never spoken to one of these ladies so do not know how they go about verifying themselves to potential clients as legitimate providers. I guess some people prefer relying on their instincts alone and that is fine if it works for them. I just find it more enjoyable when trust is not an issue and have learned that my instincts can be influenced and are not 100% reliable. For your safety you should always check to see if a lady has reviews. It is your choice to read them or not. However keep in mind that some men have very vivid imaginations and we companions have no control of their content. However reading them may give you a general idea of what to expect during an appointment with a lady. I encourage gentlemen to write reviews on good dates as well as bad. Us ladies work together to keep each other safe and you men should also. For us ladies their main purpose is to verify us. However they also help us in our business. Reading them help us to understand what about the appointment was most important to a gentleman and help us to improve our service. They also help us financially as there are some hobbyists that look for ladies through the reviews rather than our posted ads. So I guess you can see why a review is a nice way to say thank you to a lady or warn other men if you have a bad experience with a lady. For me they hold another importance. I have not been doing this long and started late in life compared to your typical companion. This way of life goes against the ethics I lived with before becoming a provider and I lost some old time friends that I was foolish enough to tell about my new secret life. All of this together sometimes makes me feel very insecure and question what I am doing. But then I will go back and read my reviews and remember the gentleman if his imagination didn’t make him totally unrecognizable and the wonderful time we had and how much pleasure that encounter brought me. Then I don’t want to go back to being the little prude I was living without the pleasure of human touch and look forward to my next encounter with wild anticipation. CANCELATIONS Life happens and sometimes something comes up that one of us may need to cancel. This is not a problem as long as you let the other know as soon as possible so they can rearrange their plans. Last minute cancellations are not acceptable and could result in a provider thinking you are just another of the many game players out there that just like to jack us around. Game players are almost always reported to the bad date sites and could result in you not being able to schedule with a reputable provider in the future. It is customary to offer to reschedule and offer a cancelation fee. Understand that the lady has probably turned down other appointments to see you or gone to the expense of renting a room or making other arrangements. Calling a day in advance is never a problem unless she has made reservations that cannot be canceled such as concerts, hotel or airline tickets in which a gentleman should offer reimbursement as well as a cancelation fee for her time. Most ladies are understanding and don’t require this or will even accept a cancellation fee but is says a lot about what kind of gentleman you are to offer and will ensure her willingness to make another appointment with you. In the rare event a lady has to cancel be understanding and don’t be shy about reminding her about it the next time you schedule with her. She will probably jump at the chance to make it up to you with more time or planning something extra special for you. SMOKERS I do not have a problem with seeing smokers as long as they practice good hygiene. No one likes kissing an ashtray and this can be a deal breaker for the appointment to get beyond a handshake. Just swishing a little mouthwash is not a good fix for getting rid of smokers breath where thoroughly brushing the roof of your mouth and the back of your tongue as well as a good hard gargle is very effective. I’m laughing my pants off right now but unfortunately many smokers don’t know there are methods to make the fact they smoke undetectable. Let her know you are a smoker so she will be sure to have fresh new toothbrushes available for you if needed. BOTTOM LINE DO'S AND DON'S DONOT put anything in your email that could be even remotely misconstrued as soliciting for prostitution. This is a crime in the state of Colorado and puts us both at risk for prosecution. This goes for phone call also. If I even think you are trying to solicit me for prostitution I will hang up on you. DO be honest and upfront during screening. DO check on ladies reviews and read her post. DO NOT ask questions that could be answered in her post such as rates unless you truly don’t understand. DO show up freshly showed and with fresh breath. If you are coming to the appointment from a job site and need to shower on arrival let her know in advance so she will have everything ready for you. She may even offer to jump in with you. Just be aware that this on your time and a part of the appointment. DO show up on time or call if you are running a little late. DO NOT be offended if she is unable to extend your appointment time and your tartness cuts into your appointment time if she has other things planned for after her appointment with you that she cannot reschedule. DONOT show up early. There are a lot of little details that go into preparing for a date and even 5 minutes early can throw us off. DO NOT deviate from the agreed upon plan. If she asks to meet you in a restaurant don’t surprise her in the parking lot. DO call to confirm your appointment before or by the time she requested. Very important. Being even 5 minutes late with a confirmation call could result in her thinking you are going to be a no show and making other plans. DO NOT show up at the appointment intoxicated or stoned. I want to get to know you for who you are and there is no way of doing that if you are in an altered state. If the anticipation may be a bit much for you and feel a drink will calm your nerves let her know in advance and most will be happy to have something waiting for you. DO NOT bring illegal substances to an appointment ever. DO just be yourself don’t try to hard to impress. Most people don’t realize how wonderful they are and fall short when they try to be someone they are not. Do NOT be afraid to let your romantic side show. A romantic man touches me in places nothing else can the very core of my being. There is nothing I appreciate more than a romantic man and I can be a very demonstrative woman. 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  • Poster's age : 21
  • City : Boulder
  • Address : Anywhere You Want Me